Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

Pelatihan IB ka @Adityo abdi nugroho :)

Pelatihann IB pada tanggal 08-02-2014 bersama dengan ka Adit tentang smart card :) 2212900702201422
Nama : Ade syifa aulia . X TKJ :)

Membahas tentang :
* Overview .
- What is smart card ?
# Small plastic card embedded with an IC chip .
# Chip can be other a memmory or microprocessor type .
# Use full for storing and transcating data .
# Data is accesioted with other value information or borth .

- What is smart about the smart card ?
# Smart card are capable of not just furing data . But also have proccesing power .
# The data stored can be protected again unautharized acces .
# They are appropiate for secure and convenient data storage .
# Smart card have the property of multinfungtionally .

- Design .
# Generally made up of polyvnyl chloride .
# Also made up of polythene terephalate based polyesters like a cryloritle butadiene system etc .
# So design that it can proces like a microprocessor .

- Types of smart card .
# Based on the way the smart card interact .

- Contact smart card .
# Defined in ISO 7810 .

- Contacless smart card .
# Uses RF induction teckhnology to communicated an to be powered .

- Hybird .
# Implement former two .

- Aplication .
# Financial
# Identification KTP , SIM .
# Public transit .
# Educational institute ,
# In healtcare .

- Benefist .
# Easy to use .
# Multiple tasks can be done by a single card .


Kurang lebih materi yang di sampaikan kepaada kami di kelas IB-nya ka@Adit :)
Berikut foto-foto saat belajar ....
Dan ini foto saat ka Adit menjelaskan dengan ditulis di papan depan kelas :)

Kurang lebihnya maaf cuma segini yang bisa saya tulis :D

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